30 years of Yoga in Daily Life in Czech and Slovak Republic
This year in the Czech and Slovak republic we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of Swamiji's coming to our countries. The celebrations will start in February in Strilky and will continue through the whole year 2003. In the frame of these celebrations we will also create following programs, where Swamiji will be present:
February 8th, Mahaprabhudeep ashram, Strilky
thanksgiving to Swamiji
June 5th, Ostrava
conference - "Development of Spirituality for World Peace"
October 24th, Prague
Peace Conference for students and public
October 25th, Prague
International Peace Conference
October 26th, Prague
celebration of 30th Anniversary of Swamiji's coming to this country (this celebration is primarily for disciples)
October 27th, Ceske Budejovice
press conference at the European Information Center (a part of the South Czech University)
November 28th, Brno
medical conference about the effects of yoga exercises
On the occasion of this anniversary each center will prepare special programs - lectures about Yoga in Daily Life and vegetarianism, days of open doors, demonstrations of exercises, presentations of Indian culture, etc.
All over the Czech Republic we are planning to start an action for planting trees: in each city where there is a center or a larger group of Yoga in Daily Life we will plant a tree for peace.